• +977 9851165256
  • info@ncid.org.np
  • Chakupat, Campus Rd, Lalitpur 44700
About Us


With the belief that civil society organizations have a positive role to play in advancing development and equal opportunities, NCID has developed and envisioned its civil society strengthening program. In addition, NCID believes that the strategies, approaches, and actions of CSOs also need evolvement to suit the modern contexts (including the digital era that we are in now) and that proactive, rather than reactive, efforts are put in place.

NCID is partnering with Change the Game Academy, the Netherlands to develop and roll out training and coaching trajectory targeting local CBOs and NGOs. The courses are deeply inspired by and promote the localization agenda that is embraced by many international development actors at this moment (See: #ShiftThePower). The training courses have been implemented in more than 18 countries globally now. In this training trajectory, organizations learn how to get adequate support and commitment from decision-makers and demand inclusive policies, transparency, and accountability, thereby defending the civic space in which such organizations can operate. Civic participation and a rights-based approach are central to the training content. Topics such as communication skills (including working with media) and building alliances are included in the curriculum.


NCID believes in inclusive participation and representation of different sections of society at all levels of state structure for better governance. To ensure all voices are heard and services are effectively and efficiently delivered, NCID works with duty bearers and right holders for sustainable and just service delivery. It is important that institutions (social, political, and private) are accountable to people.

NCID has designed programs like;


    • Youth with Elected Representative (जन प्रतिनिधिसंग युवा): The program assesses youth participation in local governance followed by training, workshop, and follow-up coaching sessions to actively encourage youth engagement in governance.  

    • Stepping up for transparency: For a government to function effectively, citizens need to be informed about the actions of their government. To make the state accountable, every process needs to be monitored and made transparent. For the same, various civic engagement initiatives and programs are conducted. Groups on the ground are trained and coached so that they can make effective lobby plans that promote transparency.  

The program is designed under the principle of a rights-based approach. 


The program targets rural economies, advocates and facilitates a shift from regular income generation from agriculture to a systematic agropreneurship. The program also aims to create employment opportunities for youths, migrants (seasonal and longer term), and women and promotes an entrepreneurship culture in rural areas of Nepal. The program ultimately contributes to improving the living condition of targeted communities by improving their capacities to sustainably diversify their family income. Strong partnerships with the private sector including [micro] financial institutions will be integral to this program.